Frequently Asked Questions
When should parents send in payment?
Accepted applications will be emailed with specific directions on where and when to send in payment.
Are there scholarships available?
Charlotte InfraGard CyberCamp strives to make camp available to all children and confidential assistance may be provided to the extent possible to cover a portion of your child’s registration fee.
If a child is selected, an acceptance email will be sent. In this email will be an option to apply for scholarship assistance. If you have concerns or questions, please email dcassle@ncinfragard.onmicrosoft.com.
What if I need to back out of camp after being accepted?
Please send an email to dcassle@ncinfragard.onmicrosoft.com with STUDENT NAME and BACK OUT in the Subject line of the email.
How will people be notified of acceptance/denial into CyberCamp?
An Email goes out on/about March 6th 2020 to both those who were accepted and those who were denied.
How does a parent/business sponsor a camper?
CyberCamp is completely community funded (donations and volunteers). To continue to provide the Charlotte Community this incredible opportunity for our youth, Sponsors are required.
Sponsors can be both individual and organizations in nature.
Please visit our Sponsor page if you or someone you know can assist with the Charlotte CyberCamp Mission.
https://ncinfragard.com/cyber-camp-2020-sponsorship/(opens in a new tab)
Does the student/applicant need to be proficient in any cybersecurity tools like Nmap, Wireshark, and others?
CyberCamp is designed for those who have limited exposure to Cybersecurity tools as well as those who’ve had experience with these type of tools.
It is recommended, prior to attending the camp, to review the OSI Model, NMap, and Wireshark in efforts to Maximize your value of the CyberCamp.
Lunch and Snacks
CyberCamp will provide each student lunch throughout the week. Lunch will be provisioned via Microsoft’s robust cafeteria which offers a wide range of dietary needs for most any Student (Gluten free, Paleo, Nut free, High/Low calorie needs, etc).
CyberCamp will also provide drinks within the classroom throughout the week. These drinks consist mostly of bottled water and a few types of canned soft drinks.
CyberCamp will also provide snacks which include snack sized bags of chips, crackers, and pretzels.
Are phones allowed for campers?
Students are allowed to bring their phones to CyberCamp. Phone usage and expectations will be defined during the first day of CyberCamp.
Dress Code
Students are expected to arrive at CyberCamp clean and neatly dressed. Choice of clothing rest primarily with students, and should in no way interfere with learning.
T-Shirts will be provided and guidance on days which to wear these T-Shirts will be provided upon First Day of the CyberCamp.
Students should be appropriately dressed for CyberCamp.
Can parents come watch?
Parents are strongly encouraged to join and participate on the afternoon of Friday June 26th. If you’d like to watch any other time, please contact Doug Cassle at dcassle@ncinfragard.onmicrosoft.com.
What is the earliest time we can drop off, latest time we can pick up children?
Students should be Arrive by 7:45 EDT AM and plan to depart by 4:00 PM EDT at Microsoft’s Campus (8055 Microsoft Way, Charlotte, NC 28273).
Is lodging available?
Overnight lodging is currently NOT provided by the CyberCamp, however there are many housing options within the immediate area of the CyberCamp.